- Order number: 37.96.0241.0
- Open text field 2: SP000850858
The kit is build around Infineon’s new XC822T-1FRI
8-bit microcontroller capable of controlling capacitive touch elements
and LED supply and color. It`s a ready to use solution to adjust light
colors with a touch wheel.
Infineon`s touch sense technology is
optimized for reliable low pin-count solutions for the use in industrial
applications. The sensing of capacitive touch elements and the supply
for the little status LEDs share the same pins. A dedicated functional
unit of the microcontroller manages this so called „time multiplexed
operation“ and performs real time calibration of touch sensing
The example code for this solution is loaded to
the Flash memory and can be accessed and modified with DAvE Bench –
Infineon’s free tool chain. This way designers can shorten
time-to-market of their designs in booming application fields.
Color Wheel
Application Kit Key Features:
- Flexible and ready to use control solution to
adjust LED colors with a touch wheel - XC822T-1FRI
microcontroller featuring a dedicated functional unit for capacitive
touch and LED supply control enabling low pin count solutions - Application example code for touch wheel / button and LED
color control including brightness and saturation - Mini CD-ROM with ...
– Easy to use content browser
– DAvE
Bench free tool chain including a device configurator for all Infineon
8-bit microcontrollers, compiler, debugger and flash loader SW
Product documentation - Easy to use USB I/F
for power supply and programming access